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Professional Development

Welcome to the professional education front.
The professional development avenue deals with building its members' skills and techniques by conducting workshops, seminars, and by holding discussions and debates.

March 08, 2018

Medical ethics must be understood as an applied professional concept that is separate from the concept of avoiding doing harm to patients.

December 09, 2017

Since the first clinical research was done on sound healing by Dr. Richard Gerber, MD, vibrational medicine has been a revolution in healthcare.

December 01, 2017

‘True alchemists do not change lead into gold, they change the world into words.’ How beautifully has William Gass put it! 
Writing is the essence of human literature. It is the careful contemplation of human thought and its transformation in a set script to pass it on for the benefit of a larger population.

November 02, 2017

Rotaract Club of The Caduceus came up with the idea as suggested by a gynaecologist, seeked permission from a school in Haryana and began to move a step ahead on this awareness drive.

October 25, 2017

Almost every day we hear that people are injured in various situations, especially traffic accidents. If you work with other people, have children or spend time participating in sports or other hobbies, these could result in injuries of various types. You never know when someone might get injured, and knowing what to do can save a person's life. 

October 21, 2017

Menstruation taboos still have firm roots in Indian society was revealed in a study by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Therefore it becomes the need of an hour to speak openly about menstruation and not fear them. 

October 11, 2017

Meducation is a series initiated by the Rotaract Club of Caduceus to promote learning for a cause. Meducation 5.0 was yet an amazing and interesting one but a little different than usual. In order to reach out to as many people as possible and to benefit them,  Meducation 5.0 was held online this year.

September 28, 2017

On the occasion of World Heart Day, it is only fair to spread awareness and tips how to take care of this vital organ. Although there was so much information available online and offline, we thought of taking a small test amongst the common people and know their knowledge on this special organ. 

August 17, 2017

We believe in holistic growth of every member of our club and provide them with opportunities helping them refine their thoughts for future careers and also staying updated with the recent advances made in the medical field. 

July 2017 - June 2018


Immunization is a highly cost effective way of improving child survival, yet immunization rates remain low in many developing countries and, every year an estimated 2-3 million people die from vaccine- preventable diseases.

July 2017 - June 2018


Everywhere we go, whoever we talk to, everyone has a loved one they have lost to Cancer. Cancer is feared by most people and early diagnosis is the key to the cure, ergo cancer screening and awareness becomes essential in this era where the mortality rate due to cancer is increasing.

July 2017 - June 2018


Here at Rotaract Club of Caduceus we are firm believers of the line ‘ The more we share, the more we have’. Hence, to build and solve all the curiosity among our medico caduceans we founded a whatsapp group called Studymate . 

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