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Adolescent Reproductive &

Sexual Health Programmes

As per national census reports, adolescents that contribute to the overall development of the country constitute more than one-fifth of India's total population. Adolescence is a period of tremendous opportunity as well as of risk, marked by physical, psychosocial and social change.


Its onset brings not only changes to adolescents bodies but also new vulnerabilities to human rights abuses, particularly in the arenas of sexuality, marriage and childbearing. Millions of girls are coerced into unwanted sex or marriage, putting them at risk of unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV, and dangerous childbirth. Adolescent boys are at risk, as well. Young people – both boys and girls – are disproportionately affected by HIV.


The topic sexual & reproductive health education is sensitive especially in a conservative cultural setting. However its implementation in classrooms in disparate environments remains under-investigated. NFHS, DLHS and several independent surveys/ studies indicate alarmingly low levels of awareness in today's youth.


Many adolescents tend to acquire this info in bits & pieces from scattered unreliable sources. Often the youth is absolutely ignorant or worse- misinformed, leading to perpetuation of taboos and unsafe unhealthy practices.


Thus we, at Rotaract Club of The Caduceus, undertook the task of spreading awareness about reproductive & sexual health among adolescents. To increase effective retention of new info learnt, we train the teachers to periodically revise these topics with the students. So far RCCaduceus has covered ~1850 adolescents. We continue expanding our outreach.Thanks to our new partnership with Municipal Corporation Of Greater Mumbai (BMC), we will be extending this program to all municipal schools in various wards.


Through the camps in the year 2017-18 alone : we were able to counsel more than 3000
individuals on various health topics including ARSHEP.


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Give us your ideas and suggestions on how we can reach out to more people in the world. 

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If you know any school, an area, a society where our knowledge can be imparted, ping us.



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