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St May's Dental Camp


Date: 5th December, 2017

Regular visits to the dentist to get teeth checked and cleaned are very important for an early detection and prevention of diseases in the mouth. Permissions to conduct the Dental Camp were procured from the Principal and Management of St Mary's SSC, Byculla by Rotaract Club of Bombarded Queens Town .


The date and venue were fixed from the School's end which was on the 5th and 6th December 2017 at St May's School, Byculla. Our club, the Rotaract Club of Caduceus was approached for this initiative as we could provide them with dentists and the equipments necessary to conduct the camp. The Rotaract Club of K.C. College and RcBqt club were asked to send volunteers to make the camp go smoother.


A broadcast message and Jpeg were made and sent to all club members of the respective clubs to call for as many volunteers as possible. A list of all the students from Std 5 to Std 10 was obtained from the teachers.


All the students were called Class wise for their checkup. Each student was given a form to fill drafted by RC Caduceus and to ensure hygiene, an ice cream stick for facilitating the check up.


About 700 students were assessed and intervened for their dental problems.The volunteers from all clubs enjoyed helping the community through their service. It was a fun and learning based joint initiative among different clubs from our District.

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