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The OCV i.e. the Official club Visit where the District Rotary visits our club. It is carried out as a way to understand the club’s strengths and weaknesses and to improve on the whole. The OCV was held on the 25th of March 2018 at Sarthak School, Bombay Central.


On the day of the event, DRR Rtr. Om Chawla, ZRR-Zone 3 Rtr. Husain Poonawala were present. A meeting with the DRR and Team PresSec first took place which was followed by discussion with the Board of Directors. There was a detailed discussion on each and every avenue discussing its projects.


These projects were inspected and given points by the DRR. We managed to take home 15000 points of 18000 points with our heads held high and being proud of everything that we have done. It was a great learning experience as we got a chance to discuss our loop holes and how we can together work on it. We got an amazing feedback, also suggestions to for betterment and  ultimately set the bar higher.


It was an incredible eruditive experience and the district was very impressed with our work.The Board of Directors were delighted to meet the district council members. Towards the end, the district proudly handed over the medals and certificates that our club won at RISE- The District Sports as we won more than 100 medals at RISE. It was an extremely insightful morning.

Official Club Visit

Date: 25th March 2018



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