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A mother is her child’s best friend, its guardian and its angel. And there is considerable scientific evidence to prove that the mother protects her child from a plethora of diseases by providing it immunity through the placenta and breast milk. In India, owing to a variety of myths and superstitions, mothers stop feeding breast milk to their baby before 6 months of age. This deprives the baby of its mother’s protection, and can prove detrimental for its health.


Thus, the Rotaract Club of Caduceus organized a campaign to educate Antenatal and Postnatal mothers of the immense necessity of breast feeding on the 15th of December 2017.


A whopping 187 women from ANC OPD, ANC and PNC ward were counselled as part of the project. Counselling the patients about the basic beneficial knowledge that may be overlooked in a busy OPD setup was our priority. Correct techniques of breastfeeding were enunciated and common issues regarding the same were addressed.


Such programs are beneficial for both the patients and the medical students. The students gain practical knowledge on patient communication skills. The patients are enlightened with important information which helps improve common issues in their daily lives.

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