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M.A.A.-Mother's Absolute Affection

Date: 1st August, 2017

There is a lot of taboo still prevalent regarding the breastfeeding practices in our motherland INDIA. Our directors, therefore organized a 5 day long mega awareness camp- M.A.A.-Mother's Absolute Affection: A breastfeeding awareness initiative, to brainwash all the myths and malpractices that are commonly observed in our society.


As many as 3000 women were counseled by over 150 volunteers in 15 various hospitals of the city in the ANC, PNC OPD’s and the wards as well. The volunteers were trained to speak about the fallacies, various breast feeding techniques, importance of exclusive breast feeding and the list seems to be endless, in Hindi to avoid any language barrier.


This not only helped impart knowledge to the mothers but also helped our volunteers to work on the doctor-patient communication skills. It was surprising to see how many mothers and their infants were benefitted from this initiative which helped eradicate most of the traditional orthodox beliefs.



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