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Medical Checkup with project ARSHEP at SUNDUTTA


Date: 10th December, 2017

A nation possessing physically and mentally healthy children would be the most prosperous nation in the world. Children are the future of the nation. Therefore, we at the Rotaract Club of Caduceus continuously strive to aid health education and services for these blossoming flowers in the garden of our motherland.


One of these camps was organized at Sundatta High School, Tardeo. A complete health checkup was conducted comprising of anthropometry measures, general check up from head to toe, vision testing and dental check-up was carried out. Deworming was conducted proper supervision. Adolescent Reproductive and Sex Education Programme (ARSHEP) was conducted for the students of 8th to 10th standard.


Students were taught basic bodily changes, sexually transmitted diseases, contraceptives and menstrual hygiene. The volunteers were staggered to hear about the various myths prevalent in the society. They cleared the adolescents’ doubts and queries.


It was a great learning experience and an eye-opener for the volunteers. It was indeed a gratifying experience to contribute to the welfare of the society!

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