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To succeed, a team needs to have good players. Good work comes with team work.
And so, to have a good start to the year, individual meets with directors of each of the
avenues were held to plan stuff at the beginning of the year itself. Various criteria were
set. A review system was brought up wherein criteria were mentioned to make sure
everybody works equally and to keep it fair for all. Only those who deserve it, continue
in the club.

At RC Caduceus, we believe in empowering people. And so we made Avenue
Leaders(ALs). The ALs would work under directors but above members, who'd help
directors with work. This inturn lessens load on directors. Morever the AL learns
organisation and club administrative work. Thats how caduceus trains members to
become future leaders.

In the 2nd half of the year, directors were given a chance to do 50% work in their
Avneue and 50% work in another Avneue of their choice. This way, they learnt some
new work, gave new ideas in other avenue's work, all started working with the same
enthusiam that we see in a child put on a swing!
The Caduceus grooms to help the Caduceans grow!



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