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GD Somani Medical Health Check-up Camp

Date: 1st October, 2017

We at Rotaract club of Caduceus believe that each of us born is unique in a society and some of us are the differently abled which form a minority and not often looked upon.Therefore, our directors were considerate enough to organize a camp for our specially abled friends at the GD Somani School,Colaba on the 1st October 2017.


This camp was specially conducted to in view of helping the specially abled individuals who find it difficult to go to go to the various doctors and multiple hospitals for their treatment.


We had an overwhelming attendance of 90 specially abled friends. As usual, we recorded their anthropometric measures and carried out general examination, vision testing, and dental checkup. Based on the clinical evaluation, individuals that required further medical attention were reported to the authorities.


Our specially abled individuals were given advice on various problems that were commonly experienced by them. Our physiotherapy vounteers taught them various exercises and stretches which would help them relieve aches, pain and movement restriction.


Towards the end of the session, sweet boxes were distributed among the specially able people for making it lighthearted. All the subjects were really happy and gave us positive feedbacks

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