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Date: 3rd September, 2017

Everyone loves some form of adventure once in a while. Hence, one of the most chilled and thrilling experience has to be the proect called ESCAPADE which organized for our members. This time the sport chosen was football, loved by everyone. The event was first held at Hoopers Ground, Five Gardens, Mumbai on the 3rd September 2017.


On the day, interested members were divided in two teams on the spot randomly, which  turned out to be fun since the team members got to know each other. The bonding was quite instantaneous and thereafter the friendship was super-glued for a life time. To really escapade the day, we were blessed with heavy rains which made it even more ebullient. The rules were explained and the match was commenced. Both the teams played really very well, although only one team won, it wasn’t about winning or losing but about team bonding and making sure that everyone had fun.


Feedback was taken from the members and it looks like they had a lot of fun and have requested for more of such projects. In this professional world full of competition and stress, sports is something that builds physical and mental well being of a person.


A special thanks to our Rtr. Rajmohan Seetharaman ( chairperson of the project) for ensuring that the event went on smooth and crisp on the day,also for encouraging our members to be physically active and taking time of their studies.

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