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Cancer Screening Camp(Kandivali)


Date: 8th September, 2017

Another cancer screening camp was held at Kandivali in association with the CPAA (Cancer Patient Aid Association) at Thakur college campus,Kandivali on the 8th September 2017. Everywhere we go, whoever we talk to, everyone has a loved one they have lost to Cancer. Cancer is feared by most people and early diagnosis is the key to the cure, ergo cancer screening and awareness becomes essential in this era where the mortality rate due to cancer is increasing.


The camp was a wonderful opportunity to observe and learn about the preliminary checks done to detect cancer and counsel the patients about the sequel of their habits. Rotaractors were able to establish patient history and quickly quantify the effects of patient habits. They were able to observe ENT and OBGY examinations done to identify any suspicious masses. They also observed the blood tests done for any signs of disease. About 400 men and women were tested on the day.


Rotarators were explained and their knowledge of counseling was enhanced by the experts present. Pamphlets containing pertinent information about the different types of cancer the person could be exposed to or suffer from were distributed.


It is only through awareness and early diagnosis that cancer can be cured. An early diagnosis and prevention via awareness was the ultimate aim of the camp. A similar camp was carriedcout at Jogeshwari on 13th September.


A warm regards to Rtr. Divya Menghrajani ( chairperson of the project) for orderly organizing and management of the event.

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